Rule of thirds

Rule of thirds- this is the use of balancing elements vertically or horizontally to make the more interesting and allows … More


Birds eye view – from above Straight on – same level low angle – looking up high angle – looking … More

Constructing an image

  A successful/interesting image? colour framing post production effect angle props model lighting There are two types of framing which … More

Universal symbols

Preferred reading – The way people should read it. The interpretation of how the creator has made it. Oppositional reading … More

Platon Antoniou

Platon is a british photographer who has taken portraits of many presidents and well known world figures. He was born … More


large format plate cameras use film high resolution very shallow D.O.F medium format portable on a roll 6 x 6 … More

Unit 27: Digital Photography

Applications and uses of digital photography Digital photography is a form of photography which uses cameras to capture images focused … More

Page layout design

Balance is a technique used in photography that move about images within a frame so that the objects are of … More


Natural light- This is where a photo is lit only with the suns light without the use of electric and … More