Assignment planning

The genre of film i am going to focus my poster on is action.

Below is a few example of film posters based on the film suicide squad. The first poster i found interesting because of the angle of the camera and i feel like this would make the poster more eye-catching and unique compared to others. In the second poster i noticed it is quite popular to separate the characters on the front page but this gives you a more in depth view and feeling about the characters. Finally the third poster i like the way it was put together using some cartoon affects surrounding the characters and the detail to the facial expressions were good. I would most likely base my film poster off one of these ideas as they was most appealing to me.

In a few other poster i looked at i noticed the main character of the film tend to stand out. For example in the first and last film poster the main characters are the focus point in these posters. I feel like this is a good idea as it allows the viewers to connect with the character before watching the film. The second poster below links back to the posters above in the way they have split sections to allow you to focus on certain characters and applies detail within there facial expressions.

What will your film poster be called? who will the stars be? what will the storyline be? what is the USP of the film? how will you communicate al of these on the poster? what actors will you need? what props will you use? how will you manipulate the image? what techniques will you use?


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