Photoshop and ethics research


Travel images:

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This is an image of the BlueLagoon in Iceland. The colours of the water is perceived to be a bright blue with a little layer of white mist in  a sense floating along the top. The definition in the rocks present a smooth looking type of rock. Overall the colour definition of this image is presented to be bright and colourful showing lots of detail in each aspect of the image.

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However the image above is seen to be unethical because it is misleading of what the real view is like. The image to the right is an example of what it is really like. You can see that the colour of the water is not so bright and clear. Also the steam/mist is a think layer covering most of the water and the rocks. Also the rock do not look so dark and the texture looks more rugged.




In this image it is misleading you and making you think something is a lot than what it may actually be. For example the image on the left has bright colours in almost every detail on the image from the sunset to the boats. The view is seen to be eye-catching and one you would not want to miss. However the real picture on the left then makes the place seem quite dull and not as enjoyable.

When you first look at these two images the one on the left would catch your eye first because of the bright colours and the view. For example it presents a clear view of a mountain in the background whereas in reality its unlikely for this to be visible.

Magazine covers and people:

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Above is an example of a magazine cover where the model (Lupita Nyong’o) has been photoshopped and misled on what the real appearance of the model is really like. The main thing you will notice is they digitally removed her hair and smoothed it out, this was to said to “fit a more Eurocentric notion of what beautiful hair looks like”.

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A similar aspect of photoshopping a person appearance is also done through this magazine cover of which the editor has made the models arm to be seen as more slim, also the colour and brightness of the model has been changed to create a more smooth tanned look.


In this photo of Katy Perry you can see the editor smooth out her skin and made her to look more tanned. Also they made the chest area look bigger and the stomach area appear to be more thin. This is seen as unethical because they are misleading us with the real appearance of this model.



















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