Platon Antoniou

Platon is a british photographer who has taken portraits of many presidents and well known world figures. He was born in london on 20th april 1968. His photos of Vladimir Putin was on the cover of time magazine in 2007. He was raised in Greece by his english mother and Greek father. He attended Saint Martins School or art and Royal College of Art, where one of his professors and mentors was John Hinde.

Platon photographs has an impact and grabs our attention, because he uses the persons eyes to draws us in and intimate with the model. All his photos are taken with a short range. Also the use of capturing the persons eyes it allows us to have a connection and in a sense tell a story. Before Platon takes and produces a photo he will find out background information about the person which allows him to build a connection with his subject and capture the image at the right moment.

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