Page layout design

Balance is a technique used in photography that move about images within a frame so that the objects are of equal visual weight. There are 3 types of balance including : symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial. 474310879_8fcde653c5Symmetrical balance- This is where an image will look the same on either side of the centre, similar to a mirror image. For example if you drew a line down the middle of the page the image would look the same on either side.


Asymmetrical balance- Each side of the image are not identical, but they will differ from on another. The elements in the photo are arranged meaning there is a sense of balance.


Radial balance- This is where the photo has any type of balance but is it based on a circle with its design extending from the centre.


Alignment of text, objects and images can be presented in 3 different ways; left aligned, centred and right aligned.

Flush left alignment- The text, object or image will be lined up along the left margin.

Flush right alignment- The text, object or image will be lined up along the right margin.

Centred alignment- The text, object or image will be aligned around a midpoint.

Contrast is a tool used in photography that is used to direct viewers attention to their main subject. The contrast can vary due to the weight, size and colour choices.


Weight- Photographers use the weight of on object to attract your eye to a focal point. Visual weight in photographs is influenced by a number of factors which is used to strengthen the focal point. For example if a red jelly bean is on top of yellow jelly beans it would look bigger and stand out more.


Colour choices-  By using a bright colour against a dark background the colour choice will allow the bright object stand out. The brightness refers to the lightness or darkness of the image.


Repetition- This is the action of repeating something that has already been done.


Proximity-  The objects are near each other and are presented as a unit.


Emphasis-  An area or object within the photograph that draws attention to itself and becomes the main focal point.


Negative space- This is where there is an empty area in the photo surrounding the main subject.


Grid systems-  Uses a two – dimensional framework to align and lay out design.


Conventional page layouts-  Deals in the arrangement of visual elements on a page in a usual way.


Unconventional page layout- Deals in the arrangement of visual elements on a page in a unusual way.


Focal point of page- A prominent section on a web page that we want to guide the users attention to.


Rule of thirds-  This is applied when aligning a subject with the guide lines, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section.


Golden ratio-  It is a special number found by diving a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part.


Typography- The art and technique of arranging letters to make the written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed and viewed by the audience.


Type Hierarchy-  This refers to the arrangement of elements in a way that implies importance, allowing the reader to easily find what they are looking for.


Text flow- The way text is displayed in a document, how it behaves and breaks according to settings.


Runarounds- This is where the ends of lines of text are adjusted to conform to a box or irregular shape, rather than a simple column margin.


Interactivity- This is the combination of electronic text, graphics, moving images and sound into a structured digital computerised environment that allows people to interact with the data for appropriate purposes.


Dynamic website- contains web pages that are generated in real-time which could include scripting code such as PHP or ASP.






1 Comment

  1. Interactivity

    Dynamic websites


    Responsive page layouts

    Unconstrained page size

    Headlines / Subheads / bylines / pull quotes / drop cap

    Purpose of Page layout design

    Use of layouts to enhance message

    Popular page layouts in visual culture

    Target audience

    Corporate context


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