Website research

Extreme ironing

Extreme ironing is an extreme sport in which people take ironing boards to remote locations and iron items of clothing. For example underwater, cliffs, caves etc.

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The website has a header which introduces the website and allows us to know we are on the correct page. The header includes an image of someone ironing which ties in with the extreme sport.

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The logo stands out and is noticeable as you open up the page, this allows us to instantly know what we are looking at, also the colours are eye-catching and link in with the colours on the rest of the website which stands out against the white background.

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The websites background is just a plain white colour which does not link in with the sport, but this means it gives the feature area a chance to include videos of the extreme sport, allowing  you to get an idea and in-depth look into the sport.Due to the background being the plain it means the videos does not make it look busy and overcrowded.

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The sidebar includes different areas that the website has for example, extreme ironing, extreme usa and health insurance for extreme sports. The websites layout is well organised and ensures it is easy to navigate, which makes it more appealing to the audience.

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An example of underwater extreme ironing is shown in the video below;

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