Anatomy of a website

Header-  A header introduces the site, logo and name of the website. It is the first thing you see when you go on a header, also will allow you to know if your in on the correct website.

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Feature Area- It is usually an image which will summarise the  website without having to read lots of information. Most of the time it will be eye-catching allowing it to be engaging and sell the page to the audience.

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Footer- The footer gives the viewer more chance to find out more information by giving links to other social media pages, the address and telephone number.

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Sidebar- This allows extra space for information to be stored. Also it will allow space to include different pages on the site.

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Background- The background will reinforce the website and content of the page. For example if it was a nike website they might have the logo or the products as the background.

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Body/Context- This is where they will locate any information about upcoming events and new stories about the website/ company.

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