Applications of digital photography

Advertising- Every company will have ways they will advertise there products, which could be advertised through magazines, newspapers, billboards,flyers,website and a pack shot.

“A packshot is a still or moving image of a products, usually including its packaging and labeling, used to portray the products reputation in advertising. It is an important stimulus to sales, with the goal of triggering in-store, on-shelf product recognition”

Promotional- “The publicising of a product, organisation to increase sales or public awareness”.

Photojournalism- “The practice of communication news by photographs”. Photojournalism is when you collect,edit and present news material for publication. The  images all have meaning which can tell a story and have context of a recently published record of events.

Portraiture- A example of this would be boutique portraiture, this means a more niche/personalised style. The portrait will be crafted to suit the style of the client. For example if the person loves tattoo and has many the photographer will make sure they capture this in the photo.

Studio based work- This is mostly the technical side of photography, where editing would take place, such as photoshop. Also pack shots would be taken here as it is allows a clear background and the photographer to just focus on the packaging so it is easily advertised.

Architectural-  The photographing of buildings and similar structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and accurate representations of their subject. Architectural photographs can be found on websites, illustrated reports an guidebooks.

Medical- “Medical photography is a specialised area of photography that concerns itself with the documentation of the clinical presentation of patients.” This is used on packaging, experimental and records.

Fine art- “Fine art is photography created in accordance with the vision of the artist as photographer.” Often presented as landscapes/scenery surrounding the photographer.

Documentary- “It is a style of photography that provides a straightforward and accurate representation of people,places,objects and events, and is often used in books, magazines and e-magazines.”

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