‘Where I live’

We were asked to take a photograph of something that we believe links to the theme of ‘where I live’. From my point of view where I live is England and all my surroundings/places I see and .

The first photo I chose is in my area. The reason I chose this photo is because I like the way the sun is the main viewpoint and the colours beaming from it contrast well. Also you can still see other features like the trees these appear to be in black but still allow us to get a good viewpoint. My main reason for choosing this is I like the way the sun can change a perspective of the photo and make it the focus point.

The second photo was taken in a forest. The reason I chose this is even though we live in a busy town, it doesn’t take long to get to the countryside and forest areas. This photo present how forest can look really nice and the dark colours make the trees stand out against the background. It also shows that each tree is different and if you look with detail no tree will be the same, perusing an idea of uniqueness within the place of ‘where I live’

1 Comment

  1. Grade C

    I like that you’ve thought about colour and the meaning of the location.

    To improve: when taking images into bright lights like the sun be careful not to under expose – the foreground is very dark and loses detail.


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