Digital Photography

Photography can be used in a variety of different ways. An example of this would be in a magazine: Album … More

Page layout and design

  The poster and flyer are very similar to one another. For example both portray the circus with the same … More

Magazine Analysis

  1.The Magazine cover of Fall out boy has many different conventions involved to make it eye-catching and buyable. The … More

‘Where I live’

We were asked to take a photograph of something that we believe links to the theme of ‘where I live’. … More

Film poster

My film poster is about a girl who loves gaming and gets dragged into the game by aliens. It is … More


In these images above you have a before and after picture of them being photoshopped. The first image shows he … More


Representation is the re-doing of a real thing. For example it will start off as a real thing then go … More

Forms & Conventions

Forms and conventions is the way you construct a piece of work. For example to build a house you need … More